February 25, 2015
I was off to a slow start this year as far as any sort of decent, recordable weather is concerned. There was a chance for storms the previous weekend, but it turned out to just be showers. However, winter reared its ugly head on Mississippi and gave the state a couple rounds of winter weather in late February. The main show was about 3-4 inches of snow that fell in Starkville, MS on February 25. The event started as a very cold rain in the morning, mixing in with sleet and freezing rain around mid-day, and then turned to all snow around the middle of the afternoon. It got us out of class for 2 days (not going to complain), since there is probably a total of 3 snow plows in all of Mississippi and maybe a bag or two of salt. I went walking around my apartment complex the evening of the 25th to get some pictures (below). If you’re from anywhere other than the South and Southeast, this really isn’t anything remarkable. But down there, this is fairly significant.